• We look forward to welcoming you back to the U for the Fall 2020 semester, which will include both in-person and online course options.

    We have developed a plan, informed by public health experts, that puts the health and well-being of our community first, and that serves as a guide to live, learn, and work together safely. Our success will require that we all work together—as One U.

    Read the latest updates, issued July 23.

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    Read official communications sent to the University of Miami community with information and resources regarding the outbreak.

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    Review the University of Miami’s plan for the Fall 2020 semester, which includes on-campus instruction and a revised academic calendar.

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    Read about the four pillars that guide the University’s plan for the fall semester.

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    Read this quick reference guide for University of Miami students.

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    Read a series of FAQs for University of Miami employees.

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    Review the University of Miami’s guidance for faculty and research personnel.

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    All University-related international travel is prohibited. University-related domestic travel must receive prior approval by a supervising dean or vice president.

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    Review the latest information and guidance regarding University-related events.

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    Prevention measures are similar to those utilized against the common cold and flu, which are currently circulating in high numbers.

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    Watch recordings of town hall meetings outlining the University’s proactive and comprehensive response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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    View news stories citing University experts working to address the pandemic.

    How you can help

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